This webpage has been set-up to support members in their journey towards net zero. Below members can find guides, action plans, toolkits and overviews on a range of topics, from a variety of sources including guidance from the Greater London Authority, Westminster City Council and Kensington and Chelsea Council, as well as industry experts including LETI and the UKGBC.
LETI (Low Energy Transformation Initiative)
Climate Emergency Design Guide
Climate Emergency Retrofit Guide
Whole Life Carbon Webinar Series – Various videos and guides
UKGBC (UK Green Building Council)
Net Zero Carbon Building Definition and Framework
Guidance on Commercial Retrofitting
Understanding Biodiversity and Environmental Net Gain
Guidance on embodied carbon emissions reporting
Embodied Ecological Impacts Knowledge Hub
Carbon Offsetting and Pricing Guidance
BBP (Better Building Partnership)
Responsible Property Management Toolkit
UK Business Climate Hub
World Travel & Tourism Council and Biosphere
Hotel Sustainability Basics Initiative
Business for Nature
World Green Building Council
The Circular Built Environment Playbook
British Retail Consortium
Waste and Resources Action Plan
Zero Carbon Forum
Guide for the Hospitality Sector
World Sustainable Hospitality Alliance
Pathway to Net Positive Hospitality
Cross River Partnership
Visit Britain
Resource page including articles, webinars, toolkits, case studies, podcasts
Local Government Guidance
Greater London Authority (GLA)
London has set a target to be net zero carbon by 2030.
London’s Environment Strategy sets out the capital’s vision for improving London’s environment for the benefit of all Londoners, including:
- cleaning up the toxic air and improving air quality
- creating new green spaces where they are needed most
- tackling the city’s environmental challenges.
The Mayor of London has also published The London Climate Resilience Review with 50 recommendations for action to guide London’s preparations for the capital’s ever changing climate.
Westminster City Council (WCC)
WCC provides an overview and one-stop shop for helping businesses reduce the environmental impact of their buildings. Westminster City Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and an ecological emergency in 2023. WCC is committed to becoming a carbon neutral council by 2030 and a carbon neutral city by 2040.
Further planning guidance for buildings in Westminster can be found here
Further information on WCC and the climate and ecological crisis can be found here
Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
A greener Kensington and Chelsea is at the heart of the council’s strategic vision
Kensington and Chelsea Council declared a climate emergency in 2019. It aims to be a zero carbon organisation by 2030 and for the borough to be carbon neutral by 2040.
The borough’s climate change strategies and action plans can be found here
Transport for London (TFL)
TFL has acknowledged that as climate change increases, London needs to adopt its transport system to stay resilient. TFL has introduced a Climate Change Adaptation Plan, which is its strategic approach for manging climate risks. This plan can be found here
TFL has produced a series of guidance on reducing servicing and delivery trips to buildings.
TFL also offers free cycle training. More information about this programme can be found here.