Knightsbridge Partnership has called for more data on the impact of temporary changes to traffic on Park Lane as TfL consults on whether to make this a permanent scheme. The BID is concerned about the impact on congestion and air quality in Knightsbridge following the replacement of one traffic to provide two cycle lanes.
Steve Medway, Chief Executive of Knightsbridge Partnership, commented “there is insufficient evidence on the effect on surrounding roads of reducing traffic lanes on Park Lane.” He also called for TfL and The Royal Parks to reach an agreement to enable greater cycle provision on the perimeter of Hyde Park to create a more safe and pleasant environment for cyclists.
The BID’s response says that no decision should be made on making the temporary Park Lane scheme permanent until the full impact on surrounding areas is known.
The BID also proposes that TfL should examine ways of reducing the impact of the new cycle lanes on traffic movement. The temporary scheme has resulted in a reduction in the space available for traffic. The BID suggests that a better solution would be to reach an agreement with The Royal Parks to locate the cycle paths in the Park. If this is not possible, then the BID says that TfL should look for other ways of creating cycle lanes on Park Lane that minimises the amount of road space lost.
If an agreement could be reached with The Royal Parks, Knightsbridge Partnership recommends that a new dedicated cycle lane is built with lighting to ensure safety at night.
Melville Haggard, Chairman of the Knightsbridge Association and a Board Member of Knightsbridge Partnership, said “residents and business are united in our concern about the impact of the Park Lane scheme on Knightsbridge. Until we know what that is, the scheme should not be made permanent.”
You can see the Knightsbridge Partnership submission here
You can see the TfL consultation papers here