Knightsbridge Place and Public Realm Strategy Update

Transforming Knightsbridge

The Knightsbridge Place and Public Realm Strategy is a comprehensive initiative aimed at restoring Knightsbridge as the world’s leading luxury destination and place to live, work or visit.

The Vision for Knightsbridge

A luxury global destination that rebalances the needs of people and nature, inviting people to spend time in its historic streets and places and to return again and again.

Key enhancements proposed for Brompton Road and Knightsbridge

The strategy aims to improve pedestrian safety and experience by widening footways, creating priority crossings, improving lighting and introducing new green spaces. A priority is improving safety, in particular at the Scotch House Corner junction, which currently has a high collision and casualty record.

Key improvements for Knightsbridge potentially could include:

  • Widened and decluttered footways, better pedestrian crossings and wayfinding to improve comfort and safety.
  • New green spaces and biodiverse rain gardens to support nature recovery and to provide places for people to rest and dwell.
  • Public art installations to create attractive gateways.
  • Widened footways, trees and places to rest on Knightsbridge Green, Montpelier Street, Yeoman’s Row, Hans Road, and Basil Street.


The proposals will also ensure traffic flows on Brompton Road are well managed and residential roads remain quiet streets protected from rat-running traffic.

How the strategy was developed

The strategy was co-created with residents, community groups, local businesses and public sector partners through a series of engagement activities, including surveys, workshops and meetings. The feedback from these activities was incorporated into the strategy.

The co-design workshops highlighted key themes for improvement, including:

  • Aesthetics (decluttering footways, better maintenance, use of consistent materials, more greenery)
  • Environment (better air quality, reduced traffic congestion)
  • Crime and safety (addressing antisocial behaviour, increasing lighting) and
  • Walking and cycling (improving pedestrian and cycling routes)


The Knightsbridge Partnership’s much-needed strategy for the area outlines how it will enhance the public realm for the benefit of residents, businesses and visitors while sensitively protecting and restoring the neighbourhood’s architecture and heritage features.


Chair, The Knightsbridge Association

The collaborative approach to design at each stage has engaged residents, amenity societies, the neighbourhood forum, businesses and the area’s two local councils and TfL. This has resulted in a remarkable shared vision and strategy that can create a truly sustainable place to live and ensure Knightsbridge retains its international status as a luxury district.

Chair, Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum


Next steps

The proposals are at RIBA Stage 3. This stage develops the proposals to a level of detail that TfL can be assured that traffic on Brompton Road will continue to flow and proposed improvements can be delivered.

The next steps include securing funding, developing the design proposals and finally implementing the proposed improvements.

Community engagement will continue at every stage to ensure that the strategy meets the needs and expectations of all stakeholders.


Projects on this scale can take up to ten years to fully deliver. It is likely that improvements will be delivered in stages as funding and opportunities are realised. Formal statutory consultation with residents and stakeholders will take place prior to decisions being made.

How to stay involved and informed

The community is encouraged to share their thoughts and feedback on the proposed strategy. Further engagement activities will be organised to gather input and ensure that the strategy reflects the community’s vision for Knightsbridge.

Please email so we can add your contact details to our database. We will send you regular newsletters and invite you to engagement events.